Newroom  •  Letters to the Editor

Mar 8, 2024

Mes CHamoru

Mes CHamoru is a time of celebration, reflection and unity, as we commemorate the heritage and traditions of Guam and her people. As we revisit our roots, honor our history, and immerse ourselves in the festivities of Mes CHamoru, I am reminded of the beauty, strength and resiliency that defines the people of our island.

Amidst the events, activities and mouth-watering feasts, Mes CHamoru holds a deeper significance – it is a tribute to our identity and community. Our shared sense of belonging and appreciation for our uniqueness is a reminder that despite the challenges of holding onto our sacred traditions in the face of modernity and the incorporation into the American family, the spirit of the CHamoru people remains strong and unyielding.

While assimilation may present its obstacles, it also offers opportunities for cultural exchange and enrichment. The fusion of CHamoru customs with American influences creates a cultural landscape that both memorializes our island’s history and allows our community to adapt with the ever-changing times.

This Mes CHamoru, let us appreciate the beauty of cultural diversity and the power of unity. Let us recognize the strength that comes from cherishing our heritage while embracing the opportunities that come with being part of the American family.

I encourage us all to approach the future with hope and optimism, knowing that through continued education and advocacy, our CHamoru culture will continue to thrive and flourish for generations to come.

Biba Mes CHamoru! Biba Guam!

Source: The Guam Daily Post