Nov 6, 2023

Lujan resolution supports Israelis, condemns Hamas

In a recent move, Senator Jesse Lujan sponsored a resolution condemning the actions of Hamas, an organization responsible for committing horrendous attacks and war crimes on the Israeli people.

Lujan states that his resolution is condemning a terrorist organization and is supporting our allies. He emphasized that the resolution aimed to condemn these heinous acts, standing alongside and supporting Israel, as well as recognizing the rights of the victims to defend themselves.

However, despite Senator Lujan’s efforts, the resolution did not secure enough support to pass in the Senate. The document would have been sent to high-ranking U.S. and Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, had it passed.

In response to local rallies calling for an end to the Israeli attack on Gaza, Lujan remains in his stance.  He asserted that while individuals are entitled to their opinions, they are not entitled to their own facts. Lujan reiterated that the attack on the outskirts of Israel occurred within the borders of Gaza, perpetrated by Hamas, a known terrorist group.

Lujan defended his decision to voice his condemnation, stating that remaining silent in the face of evil would be tantamount to condoning the evil act itself. He emphasized the importance of speaking out against such atrocities, even if the conflict is geographically distant.

“And again some people might think we should be silent and stay out of this conflict altogether, and it would be easy, very easy for us to stay silent because the war is so far away. but being silent in the face of evil, the face of evil, again I can’t repeat that, I mean I repeat that constantly, in the face of evil it’s the same as condoning the evil act that was done.”

By: Nestor Licanto

Source: KUAM News